Navigating Real-Time Information and AI Biases: A Reflection.

This week has been a whirlwind of tech exploration. Diving headfirst into website management, coding, and SEO within a few short weeks felt like climbing a mountain. And then, the need to understand blockchain technology hit, fueled by the desire for a little extra income.

However, in the midst of my learning frenzy, it dawned on me that I had spent hours attempting to create a book based on AI groups I had joined on Facebook and other platforms. What impact would my social media use have had on my decision to write a book? It is impossible to overstate how much algorithmic prejudice is becoming a part of our everyday lives. Are you investing time in your activities because social media suggests that you should be?  How can we, as information consumers, become conscious of these subtle biases that influence our beliefs and behavior?

Let’s provide a clear definition of algorithm biases. 

Algorithmic bias is the presence of unjust biases embedded inside computer programming.

Are there any biases in the algorithms used by social media platforms? Social media algorithms, which are created to maintain your interest, have the potential to introduce algorithmic bias. They monitor your interactions and give priority to content that aligns with your preexisting beliefs, resulting in the formation of “echo chambers.” When the potential biases in the training data are paired with this, it can result in filtered feeds that minimize competing opinions and restrict your access to a varied and truthful portrayal of the world.

Imagine Sarah, a young woman interested in pursuing a career in computer science.  She starts following accounts and engaging with content related to coding, programming languages, and tech news.  Over time, her social media feed becomes dominated by this type of content.

The algorithm powering her feed notices her engagement and tailors her experience further.  It starts prioritizing content featuring successful male programmers, downplaying the achievements of women in the field.  This reinforces the stereotype that computer science is a male-dominated domain, potentially discouraging Sarah from pursuing her passion.

This is algorithmic bias in action.  While the algorithm isn’t intentionally sexist, its reliance on past data and engagement metrics can create a filtered view of reality, limiting Sarah’s exposure to female role models and potentially hindering her career aspirations.

I’ll be honest; I’ve found myself losing track of time, attempting to publish a book with AI assistance and setting it up on platforms like Amazon and Payhip. But amidst these endeavors, I can’t help but wonder – could my time have been better spent on more productive or economically beneficial activities? How many of us fall into the trap of engaging in unnecessary tasks, like setting up online shops, when our time could be utilized more effectively elsewhere?

Digital/Social media’s substantial impact on shaping our worldwide perceptions has been underscored by several pivotal occurrences. Let’s examine these instances while taking into account the influence of algorithmic biases on the information we come across.

Global conflicts:

We’ve all been witness to two major global conflicts: the Russia/Ukraine and Israel/Palestine conflicts. What sets these apart from previous conflicts?

As a devout Christian who fully understands the doctrines of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection, and who possesses a profound fondness for my church, it is only natural to anticipate my unwavering endorsement of Israel, as dictated by the principles of our religious beliefs. However, I am experiencing internal struggle. For what reason, you might inquire? I have gradually chosen to acquire knowledge from various sources, one of which being Al Jazeera. On this platform, I have posted films that algorithms may choose not to display. However, following the incident involving the staff of the World Central Kitchen, I have come to recognize that my biases towards individuals, influenced by the material I have ingested, have somewhat molded my identity rather than reflecting the actual facts on the ground. However, Israel’s choice to close down Al Jazeera really resonates with me. As a person who comprehends the crucial function of the media in democratic environments, I implore Israel to reassess this move. History has demonstrated that actions and events tend to repeat themselves.

Russia/Ukraine Conflict

During the onset of the conflict in Ukraine, a statement made by a CNN journalist had a significant impact on the countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. The reporter observed that such wars were commonly linked to the countries in sub-Saharan Africa. This comment emphasizes the worldwide phenomena we live in, characterized by the media we consume, which in turn impact our thoughts and viewpoints

Brian Chira:

I frequently harbor doubts regarding the TikTok platform, as the security measures implemented thus far have failed to effectively address the site’s moderation difficulties, neglecting those of us who possess a certain level of awareness regarding the necessary actions. However, the recent Brian Chira incident that occurred on many social media sites surprised many people. I reflected about the reality that I seldom see the platform as a significant rival for communication strategies for many of my clients. The influence of TikTok in Kenya is significant, yet it is still not fully recognized. During the week, Brian Chira gained popularity on multiple channels, excluding traditional broadcast media, which appeared to diminish the importance of the event. As a marketer, this serves as a reminder to promptly adjust marketing techniques in order to effectively target a wide range of audiences.

What implications does this have for our highly interconnected world? What is the significance of this for us as individuals and as families?There is currently a significant need for accurate and up-to-date information. Nevertheless, the emergence of AI-powered platforms has made it easier to obtain information, albeit it is not without difficulties.

Artificial intelligence algorithms drive news aggregation services, delivering customized updates tailored to individual tastes. Although this provides increased efficiency, it also exacerbates issues such as disinformation and biased narratives. Discerning between trustworthy and untrustworthy sources becomes progressively challenging in an era where anybody has the ability to publish anything on the internet.

In order to navigate this world, users must employ tactics for discerning evaluation. Media literacy education is crucial in equipping individuals to differentiate between trustworthy sources and falsehoods. Furthermore, it is crucial for technology companies, policymakers, and civil society to collaborate in order to effectively tackle the underlying causes of disinformation and biases.


Ultimately, it is important to regularly question ourselves about the content we consume online. Let’s also teach our children and ourselves  to question what they see—

Is it real?

Is it true?

Is it necessary?

Is it helpful?