maandamano 2024
maandamano 2024
edith wanjiku left weeps after viewing the body of her son shot during the protest ap photo by brian inganga
edith wanjiku left weeps after viewing the body of her son shot during the protest ap photo by brian inganga
protestors scatter as kenyan police spray a water canon on them ap photobrian inganga
protestors scatter as kenyan police spray a water canon on them ap photobrian inganga
president ruto on twitter space
President Ruto seeking to engage the Gen Zs

A week of mixed emotions, at some point feeling helpless in the face of a dire situation

Recent events in Kenya have evoked a complex array of emotions among us. As we scroll through online images depicting the aftermath of protests, we’re confronted with a potent mixture of anguish and cautious optimism, even in the face of what seems to be a grim situation.

Kenyans possess a unique sense of duty, often coupled with a tendency towards what sociologists call the ‘spiral of silence’. This phenomenon manifests in our society as a collective inclination to endure hardship quietly. Even when experiencing significant pain or discomfort, many Kenyans will go to great lengths to navigate their struggles privately, avoiding direct confrontation or public displays of discontent. Then again our nation, led by disreputable politicians, suffers under leaders who seem to hold the public in contempt. Their actions reveal a prioritization of personal wealth over civic duty.

What really happened? 

The controversy unfolded gradually. It started with social media displays of luxury belts, bags filled with cash, and high-end vehicles. This was followed by the President’s visit to the USA, reportedly using a private jet valued at 300 million Kenyan shillings(2,142,857 USDT). The tipping point came when an MP donated 20 million shillings (approximately 5,000 USD) at a fundraiser, igniting public outrage. While this amount might appear insignificant to some, it’s considerable given our current economic climate.

The incident is particularly galling as it occurs when the President is calling for financial prudence. Meanwhile, his subordinates openly flaunt their wealth, purchasing counterfeit luxury goods. In one notable case, an official was even apprehended in Dubai carrying a substantial amount of cash. These actions stand in stark contrast to the austerity measures being advocated for the general public

heres whats going down in kenya why its trending on social media right now photos scaled
Fighting for the soul of our country

The Frustration: The Finance bill 2024

The public’s frustration is understandable, given widespread business closures and increasing poverty due to economic mismanagement. However, this reflects a deeper societal issue of corruption. In a just system, such leadership would not be in power.

As June 2024 began, an already overburdened taxpayer base was hit with a new wave of taxes. The public participation forums meant to address these issues devolved into political theater, with politicians issuing press releases insisting that change was impossible and taxes must be paid. This proved to be the final straw, pushing the public past its breaking point.

The result was a series of protests that, according to various sources, led to over 39 deaths. The toll, announced by the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR), the government’s official figures likely understate the true toll


edith wanjiku left weeps after viewing the body of her son shot during the protest ap photo by brian inganga
edith wanjiku left weeps after viewing the body of her son shot during the protest ap photo by brian inganga

How can we console Edith Wanjiku on the loss of her son? How can we justify his death? Is Kenya a normal society when a full cabinet meeting is called and their press release suggests the police did well in keeping the death toll low?

Can such barbaric acts ever be justified? Should we place the blame on our political establishment?

As a citizen, I’m torn between accepting our circumstances and criticizing those who voted for this display of power. High-paying positions have been awarded to seemingly unqualified individuals, with no one in the cabinet or inner circle willing to speak truth to the President.

The casualty numbers may seem abstract, but when those close to you disappear in the night, it becomes painfully real.

Despite opportunities to leave, I’ve stayed in Kenya, believing in our potential. This faith was strengthened during the Kibaki era, which saw significant job creation. Kenya has first-world potential but is held back by outdated leadership clinging to inflated self-importance.

I believe we can’t place all the blame on these leaders alone. Their actions reflect a society deeply entrenched in corruption.

In a just world, the current government would not be in power.

This situation leaves many of us feeling hopeless and conflicted. Should we try to make the best of what we have or condemn those who voted for such a farce? Do we have a leader who barely listens to other opinions?

Let’s not forget the slogan: “Dynasty ni Mbaya…. Hustler ni wetu” (Dynasty is bad… The hustler is ours)

Anyone who bought into that facade should seriously reconsider their judgment.

Are we truly so gullible as a society?

Beyond the regret and loss of words, we now have a sitting President. (many of us had to heal and move on)

We can only wait until the next election process with hope that many have learnt to ask the hard questions and really read through the manifestos sent out during campaigns.

To our President:

We are in the 21st century. Your approach must reflect modern realities. We’ve had more than five election cycles, and people are now more educated and aware of their rights. Call your team to order, acknowledge the harm they’ve caused to your presidency, and assemble a competent team. Our challenges are not unique, but they demand creative, effective solutions.

Lets start with Nairobi ……

Why Should Nairobi look like a shambolic mosaic of uncollected garbage? Unfinished pavements and disorganization akin to New Delhi Mount Everest of trash? Shouldn’t you start with your UDA governors who are the centers of corruption and confusion?

Yes there are cartels in the system, they cry in our TV stations when they do not get the tenders to do alot of nothing in the city, but come to think of it, we are all now tribeless, leaderless and this in my opinion is the opportune time to whip up people for change. (There is always a silver lining in every cloud)


Regarding the long-standing officials at the Treasury, particularly those career civil servants with suspiciously acquired assets like multiple properties in Mlolongo – it’s time for a comprehensive reorganization. Consider relocating as many as possible to remote areas of Kenya. The Treasury building is arguably the epicenter of corruption cascading down to all other players in your government. It’s likely you haven’t been informed that even county governments must offer bribes to Treasury officials to receive their allocated funds. Given these circumstances, how can we expect these individuals to act with integrity and moral uprightness?

Finally , if you retain your current cabinet, you will be held accountable for all the country’s problems. It’s that straightforward. Keeping a minister who was involved in the fraudulent sale of soil as fertilizer implies complicity. It’s time to dismiss them and start anew.

To the Gen Z

We are immensely proud of you!
This is truly Kenya’s Fourth Liberation!
You are the change-makers we’ve long awaited.
Your ongoing engagement is crucial.
As we look towards 2027, your role in driving comprehensive political change is vital.
Ensure you’re registered to vote and prepared to usher in a new era for Kenya.

Please remember to have the system developed for voter verification and counting…


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