<br /> Beyond Resolutions: Reflections on Intentional Living and Writing (2023 &<br /> 2024)<br />

As we raise our glasses to the fresh beginnings of 2024, let’s take a
moment to reflect on the journey of 2023. In a world of overwhelming
ambitions, I decided to embrace simplicity, setting just two resolutions
that resonated in my mind:

  1. Intentional Living
  2. Writing

From Pen to Paper, Building Intentional Connections:

For individuals like me, whose natural inclination is towards
contemplation, research, and the written word, the comfort of solitary
thinking often outweighs the need for constant human interaction. In
response, I made a conscious decision to strengthen my connections by
being present for my loved ones. Simultaneously, I embarked on bringing to
life a blog that had lingered in the recesses of my mind for over two

This commitment to intentionality and writing was not merely a new year’s
resolution; it was a deliberate effort to align my actions with the
essence of who I am. It was about transcending the mere act of setting
goals and resolutions, aiming instead for a harmonious integration of my
aspirations with my authentic self.

So what were my resolutions in 2023?

  • Intentional Living: Deepening my relationships, honing my skills in
    service to God, and living with purpose.
  • Writing , more writing “The Blog Bonanza”: Publishing one article per week, a whopping 53 for
    the year.
  • Did I Conquer the Mountains?

    Evaluating 2023,Did I achieve them?

  • The first resolution, Intentional Living:, being personal, can only be
    truly judged by those around me. However, I actively sought growth through
    church trainings like Ombi and Connect classes, taking steps towards
    intentional service. The upside of it, the Samosa and tea were amazing, just needs an upgrade to Pilau
  • As for the blog? I smashed that goal! With over 150 articles drafted, 56
    published, and many more in the pipeline, I exceeded my target. This
    taught me a valuable lesson: sometimes, less is more. Ditching the
    10-point behemoth for manageable, focused goals proved fruitful. Simple writing showed me valuable lessons not learned in any classroom, especially about letting go of bad business relationships and building strong new ones. It made me realize the importance of a fresh start, aligned with God’s timing and purpose.
  • Lessons Learned, Paths Unearthed: Embracing 2024:

    More importantly, I discovered the power of laser focus. Dedicating myself
    to writing honed my skills and opened doors to potential income streams. The
    internet may be rife with distractions and promises, but staying true to
    your course provides clarity and direction. As the sun sets on 2023, the
    lessons learned illuminate the path ahead. In 2024, three resolutions, again
    with a twist, await:

  • Generosity and Discipline.
  • Multi-Media Maestro: writing to setting up videos for both young and seasoned audiences.
  • Financial Freedom: Diversifying income streams, aiming for$10,000/month online and more from other ventures.
  • Let’s Ditch the Decrees and Embrace the Journey:

    Remember, resolutions shouldn’t be daunting or those that are disposed after the First week of January. Break them down into
    achievable steps, aligned with your deepest desires. Seek guidance from your faith or inner compass – the answers often lie within. Let’s make
    2024 a year of intentional living, focused growth, and shared success.

    Happy goals, everyone!