Many in the media sector have had a rough year. Shutdowns, salary delays, staff layoffs, and other signs of how difficult things are going to get have spread swiftly, leaving many people worried about their careers’ long-term viability.

    Working in this field, I must admit that I often feel helpless because so many of my colleagues are also having a hard time.

    Where exactly did the first drops of rain begin to hit the ground?

    As I sat through a meeting convened by one of the most prominent media outlets, I recognized that something was seriously wrong. We’ve had a good run over the previous 15 years or so, but broadcasters have failed to adapt, perhaps out of stubbornness or complacency with the ways they made big bucks in the recent past.

Simply put, we have been unwilling to change.

    We discussed the low conversion rates on radios, and I suggested that they use programmatic media buying for broadcast media to make it simpler for agencies like to acquire the media without having to call 101 people and to guarantee that there is an automated mechanism that enables advertisers to capitalize on their massive audience size.

    It didn’t take me long to figure out that it was just PR, and that the aforementioned media outlet would eventually run into financial difficulties; I learned last month that they had laid off 40 employees due to declining revenue.
As I ponder whether to criticize or lay blame, I am not sure which camp I belong to; however, I am certain that change has arrived, so rather than resisting it, we should welcome and adapt to it.

    As we trudge into the new space, let’s talk about where we are as media people and look at the spaces we have left out that we can take advantage of. is a good place to start…..

    We start the journey and find a balancing point 

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