Six Fingers: and the Humanoid Tesla

The Rapid Evolution of AI and Technology: A Personal Reflection

As a writer and avid reader, I find myself in awe of the rapid technological changes occurring both globally and locally. The pace of innovation, particularly in the  artificial intelligence (AI) space, is breathtaking. Many of us are barely keeping up with these advancements, let alone considering their long-term implications. 

For a couple of weeks, we have seen the development of tools that are changing the global space pf almost all industries at the same time, seeing some sort of user fatigue.

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In my own space, there are still many things that I am still doing manually… editing of stills and graphics as task I would rather not do or often procrastinate. 

Let’s explore some recent developments that have caught my attention

1. Tesla’s Humanoid Robot: A Leap Forward

Just weeks ago, I was discussing the rudimentary nature of robotic systems. Then, Elon Musk unveiled a series of humanoid robots that left the world stunned.

These machines are capable of:

  • Serving drinks in a bar setting
  • Engaging in human-like conversations
  • Displaying a sense of humor.

Not to mention the introduction of steering-less and driverless taxi services. I’m eager to see these vehicles operating efficiently on our roads. Are we prepared for the many tasks and Jobs many of this systems will take up? What are the controls?

Many individuals and organizations are actively advocating for responsible AI development. Recently, prominent figures like Sam Altman and Mark Zuckerberg received unusual packages containing six-fingered gloves. This was a symbolic gesture from activists highlighting the importance of accountability in AI creation. The extra fingers served as a reminder of the common errors generative models make when generating images of people. Scarlett Johansson also received similar gloves. Previously, OpenAI’s first voice chatbot had a voice that eerily resembled hers.

It’s crucial to question whether industry leaders are fully aware of the potential economic consequences and the biases that AI systems may have acquired over time.

2. AI in Warfare: A Controversial Development


The ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict has ushered in a new era of warfare, with AI acting as a classifier for combat eligibility. This development raises serious ethical concerns.

Two AI tools, reportedly named “Lavender” and “Where’s Daddy,” as detailed by 972 Magazine, are being used to:
  • Monitor communication directions
  • Scrape social media data
  • Assign individuals a threat score based on AI-trained data

This raises critical questions:

  • What if the training data is flawed or biased?
  • What are the consequences of identity miscalculation?
  • Could similar systems be used to suppress dissenting voices in other countries?

3. Cryptocurrency: The “Hamster Dust” Phenomenon

The crypto world recently experienced the “Hamster Dust” event, where anticipated airdrop profits failed to materialize. This incident highlighted several points:

  • Colloquial terms from Kenya and Nigeria have gone global
  • There’s an increased understanding of blockchain, AI, crypto, and gaming concepts
  • Telegram channels have played a significant role in airdrop distributions

While “Hamster Dust” may have been disappointing for many, the lessons learned are invaluable.

4. The Challenge of AI-Generated Images

Recently, my team and I faced a setback when using AI-generated images for client work. We discovered that many of these images didn’t accurately represent our local market, particularly in terms of hands and skin tones. This led us to:

  • Revert to traditional stock photography
  • Conduct our own photo shoots
  • Rediscover the challenges of photography and proper editing

This experience underscores the current limitations of AI in image generation, especially when it comes to diverse representation.


As we navigate this rapidly evolving technological landscape, it’s crucial to remain critical and adaptable. While AI and other innovations offer tremendous potential, they also present new challenges and ethical considerations.

I’m excited to continue exploring these developments and their implications. If you need assistance with media planning, design, or production, feel free to reach out. Here’s to an exciting week ahead in our ever-changing world!

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